Friday, August 11, 2006

Diana's Desk, January 3rd, 2006

My question took her back
And I saw it in her eyes
The happy bride unafraid
Unaware that one day the lies

Would destroy the dreams she'd made.
Her mate's betrayal act by act
Each became a brick
She used to build a wall
Now inpenetrably thick.
As she talked I saw
The barbed wire scar marks
That had ripped apart her heart
Bleeding out the love it held
At her wedded start.
Unforgiveness ravaged
Wrinkle lines across her face.
And when I offered it,
She refused the cup of grace.
With sadness
I saw her walk away
Her mate had wronged her
Was all she had to say.
I watched her turn the key
To lock her heart up tight
And I wept with certainty
Two wrongs can't ever make a right.

Sadly, Diana

By: Diana Stuhr (c) 2006