Saturday, July 08, 2006

Diana's Desk, April 4, 2006

The daylight peaks its shiny yellow head

Just over the horizon

Sending rays across the water

Coloring everything it puts its eyes on.

A new day is birthed
From the mouth of the Creator
Who calls it forth

And I, the spectator,
I watch in awe.

This is my favorite hour

When the quietness makes noises

I don't hear otherwise

A million lovely voices

Cascading through the skies.

I wonder, Lord, if each new day

Thrills you as did the first

Do you watch with satisfaction

Each day coming, all varied and diverse?

I wait in wonderment

To see what today will hold

I watch expectantly

The moments one by one unfold.

Sunrise Stuhrings, Diana

By: Diana Stuhr (c) 20006

Special Note:
Diana Stuhr is one of my dearest friends and I will be posting some of her "Diana's Desk" writings here on our poetry blog. She is an accomplished writer who has a book coming out in a couple of months and I wanted to give you a taste of her poetic expressions here on our blog. Stimulating and thought provoking, her writing will point you to a Creator who is intimately concerned about your life.

Feel free to post your comments and feedback on this blog ~~ Cheryl